Rules & Regulations
These Rules, Regulations, and Policies, Unit Owners and Tenant Information are adopted
pursuant to Article III of the Ponds Edge Association Bylaws.
ACCESS TO UNITS: As maintenance work is conducted around the Condominium complex and if access to your Unit is needed, the Board must request access in advance and must enter your Unit at a time convenient to you with an owner or someone designated by the owner.
COMMERCIAL PURPOSES: No person shall bring or keep any animal within the Condominium for breeding purposes or for any commercial purposes.
DEFECATION: If an animal defecates anywhere within the Condominium complex, the person who keeps that animal shall immediately collect and suitably dispose of the waste. Under Johnson County Code, owners are responsible for removing their pet droppings from property other than their own. Code violations are subject to fine.
HOW MANY: No more than two (2) animals shall be kept in any one Unit without permission of the Board of Directors. Requests for more animals should be addressed to the Board of Directors. Unit occupants whose animals bear litters of young shall have ten weeks from the date the litter is born to comply with this rule.
LEASHING DOGS: Pond’s Edge dog owners are reminded that under Johnson County Code, dogs are not permitted to run at large. Running at large means a dog roaming, running, or hunting off the property of its owner or custodian and not under immediate control secured by a leash or lead. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any dog, whether licensed or unlicensed, to run at large in the county, and any person who, after being notified by any Unit owner that his/her dog is running at large, permits his/her dog to run at large thereafter, shall be deemed to have violated the provisions of this Code. Animals may not be leashed to stationary objects on the Common Elements in excess of 15 minutes.
LIABILITY: Unit occupants shall indemnify the Association and the Board of Directors and hold it harmless against any loss or liability in the complex of any kind arising from an animal kept by Unit Occupants.
NOISE: No person shall bring or keep an animal within the Condominium complex which frequently or habitually makes enough noise to disturb any other person within the complex. Unit occupants are required to keep their animals within the noise limits of this rule. If the problem is not corrected, the Board of Directors may require the Unit occupant to permanently remove the animal from the premises within ten days of written notice from the Association.
REGISTRATION: Animals kept by unit occupants must be registered with the Association when the animal is first brought into the complex.
UNDOMESTICATED: Livestock, poultry, reptiles or dangerous, wild or undomesticated animals are not allowed in any unit or on the Common areas. Animals of species not commonly kept as household pets within the United States are not allowed.
Residents who observe such violations may file charges against animal owners. Residents who call in a complaint should be prepared to identify or describe the animal and owner, and to indicate the time of the violation if it is a routine occurrence.
ATTICS: Expanding a Unit into the attic is prohibited.
No bicycles, scooters, baby carriages or similar vehicles or toys or other personal articles shall be left unattended on the Common Elements.
Clothes lines, gym equipment, sand boxes, dog houses, portable swimming pools, permanently installed umbrellas, antennas and other similar pieces of equipment shall not be allowed on the Common Elements and/or the Limited Common Elements (including decks).
Furniture, packages or other objects may not be placed on the Common grounds unless otherwise provided by the Association Board of Directors.
Lawn chairs, tables, and barbecues are allowed on lawns for the duration of appropriate social gatherings but should be removed and not left unattended afterwards.
No adult or child shall use, nor shall any adult permit a child for whom he or she is responsible to use the Condominium parking lot as a playground or as
a site for any sport game or play whether alone or with others.
COMMON GROUNDS: Common grounds of the complex are intended for the enjoyment of all Unit occupants and their guests. In addition to any restrictions specified elsewhere in these Rules, Regulations, and Policies or in the Bylaws, the Common grounds shall not be used in a manner which tends to destroy or damage any Common grounds or any Units. Activities which use large portions of the Common grounds for long periods of time abuse this privilege. For example, ball games may result in damage to lawns and shrubbery or broken windows and are prohibited. Please keep barbecues and other social gatherings to a reasonable size.
COMPLAINTS: Complaints regarding the management of the Units or Common areas or regarding actions of other unit owners or their tenants, guests, families, or animals shall be made in writing to the Association Board of Directors.
Residents who file a complaint should be prepared to identify or describe the guests, families, tenants, animals, and owner, and to indicate the time of the violation if it is a routine occurrence.
DAMAGE TO BUILDINGS AND COMMON ELEMENTS: Any damage done to buildings or other Common Elements caused by a Unit owner, their guests, tenants, family, or animal shall be repaired at the expense of the Unit owner. Damage done to Common areas must be promptly reported to the Association Board of Directors.
Unit owners are responsible for the maintenance, appearance, and structural integrity of their decks. Decks may not be painted but should be stained
or sealed in a natural color finish.
No appliances, furniture, or wood storage is allowed on decks or patios. Seasonal deck furniture is allowed.
The City of Coralville code prohibits the use of charcoal burners and other open-flame cooking devices on wood decks or other combustible balconies.
You are also not allowed to grill within 10 feet of combustible construction such as siding, deck railings, eaves, and overhanging branches.
LEGAL STATUS: Decks outside the Units are considered Limited Common Elements of the Condominium. They are not part of the Unit but they are
used for the benefit of the occupants of the Unit to which they are attached.
EXTERIOR LIGHTING OF UNITS: Maintenance and operation of the fixtures and replacement of bulbs for the front and back porch lights is the responsibility of the unit owner.
Unit owners who wish to install new exterior light fixtures or who wish to improve Limited Common Element lighting at their own expense must obtain approval for any such improvement or changes from the Association Board of Directors.
Unit owners may not paint or alter the exterior of their Units including doors, windows, or decks without prior written consent of the Association Board
of Directors.
Unit owners may not make structural additions to, alterations to, improvements in, or changes in the outside appearance of their Units without the
prior written consent of the Association Board of Directors. If permission is received from the Board, those making changes must obtain required
permits from the City of Coralville.
Objects which protrude outside the Unit in which they are used are not allowed. This includes but is not limited to shades, awnings, window guards,
ventilators, fans, window air conditioners, or light fixtures.
GARAGE AND YARD SALES: Individual yard sales are not allowed on the Common grounds of complex. Unit owners may use their garage and driveway for sales as long as they do not use any Common grounds (grass areas) of the complex.
No person shall dispose of any garbage or other refuse anywhere within the Condominium complex except by placing it in the designated containers
provided by the contracted refuse company.
Feeding of wildlife is prohibited, particularly garbage food left out near Units.
Birdfeeders are an exception to this rule but they must be brought inside at night to avoid attracting raccoons or other wildlife.
GUESTS AND CHILDREN: Adult Unit owners are responsible for the actions of their children, guests, and children of guests.
MAILBOXES: Individual mailboxes are jointly owned by the Pond’s Edge Condominiums Owners Association and the United State Postal Service (USPS). Mailboxes are identified by Unit number only as per USPS policy. Mailboxes are not to be altered or defaced in any manner. Owners should notify the Coralville Branch of USPS if their mailbox is damaged, malfunctions, or if the keys are lost.
No Unit occupant shall make or permit to be made any noise that will disturb or annoy the occupants of any of the Units of the Condominium
complex or do or permit anything to be done which interferes with the rights, comfort, convenience, or quiet enjoyment of the other Unit occupants.
Quiet hours are defined as 10 PM to 6 AM, Monday through Saturday and 10:00 AM on Sunday.
Social gatherings inside or outside of Units shall also abide by Association quiet hours.
No person shall bring or keep an animal within the Condominium complex which frequently or habitually makes enough noise to disturb any other
person within the complex. Unit occupants are required to keep their animals within the noise limits of this rule. If the problem is not corrected,
the Board of Directors may require the Unit occupant to permanently remove the animal from the premises within ten days of written notice from
the Association.
No person shall bring or keep within the Condominium complex any vehicle not equipped with the proper muffler in good working order or which
causes an unreasonable amount of noise for any other reason.
STREETS: The main streets within Pond's Edge Condominiums Owners Association complex are part of the Common Elements. No parking
is permitted on the complex main streets at any time. The streets must stay clear in case there is a need for emergency vehicles. Vehicles repeatedly
parked on complex streets will be towed at owner’s expense.
PARKING: Park all vehicles in your driveway or in the overflow parking spaces. All overflow parking spaces are part of the Condominium Owners
Association Common Elements and are available for short term use by Unit owners, their families, tenants, and guests.
Overflow parking spaces are located on the north and southeast end of the complex and in the center between buildings 1811 and 1809.
RVs, boats, trailers, and commercial vehicles are prohibited from parking in the Condominium complex. This includes all vehicles too large to fit in
one parking space. Small vans and pickup trucks are permitted.
Moving vans and other trucks used to move household items in and out of Units are allowed for reasonable periods of time.
Abandoned vehicles, inoperable vehicles, or vehicles without current plates, registration, licenses or inspection stickers are not allowed in the
Condominium Complex.
Vehicles may not be parked in such a manner as to prevent ready access to the main streets, fire zones, or any parking spaces of the complex.
PLAYING IN: No adult or child shall use, nor shall any adult permit a child for whom he or she is responsible to use the Condominium parking lot as a playground or as a site for any sport game or play whether alone or with others.
REPAIR TO VEHICLES: Repair of vehicles in Common Element parking areas is not allowed except for emergency or light maintenance. Oil
changes and other fluid changes are not permitted since they soil the Common Elements.
VEHICLES IN DISREPAIR: Vehicles in disrepair including those with flat tires, on blocks, broken windows, rags in lieu of gas caps, etc., are
prohibited from parking in the Pond’s Edge complex.
VEHICLE WASHING: Vehicles may be washed in any space on the Common Element parking lots as long as the rights and convenience of
other parking lot users are not infringed upon.
TOWING: Owners of prohibited or illegally parked vehicles will receive a warning notice on the windshield of their vehicle five (5) days prior to
being towed at the owner’s expense. If your vehicle has been towed, contact Campus Towing. Do not contact the Association.
A limited number of rental Units are currently allowed in the complex.
Rental Units shall be capped at 20% (7 Units) of the total complex. If the complex is at the total amount of rental Units allowed, an owner may
not rent their Unit until the complex is below the 20% limit.
The Board of Directors must be notified if an owner is considering renting their Unit.
Contact information for the owner or management company must be provided to the Board of Directors.
Tenant contact information including an email address and phone number must be provided to the Board of Directors. The Board must be
notified whenever there is a change in tenants.
Tenants will be included in emails sent to owners in order to keep them informed of rules or issues.
RULES: These Rules, Regulations and Policies may be amended, altered, or repealed at any time by the Board of Directors as long as the change does not violate the Bylaws. Any Unit may propose rule changes to the Board. The Board is responsible for posting or disseminating rule changes in a reasonable amount of time before they take effect.
SATELLITE DISHES AND ANTENNAS: The installation of one TV satellite dish per Unit is allowed. This approval is contingent on the following conditions being met:
The dish can be no larger than 18 inches in diameter, in accordance with Exhibit C, Paragraph 2, of the Association by-laws.
The dish must be mounted in an area extending out from the Unit it serves; it cannot be located in the area extending from another Unit.
The dish cannot be located in an area that interferes with the lawn care vendor or any other vendors that perform services on the Association grounds.
Dishes should be mounted to a pole in the front, back, or along the side of the Unit it serves or it should be mounted to the deck of the Unit it serves.
Dishes should not be mounted directly on the building or the roof.
The cost to repair any damage to Pond’s Edge Condominium Association property caused as a result of the installation of the TV satellite dish will be the responsibility of the owner of the Unit the dish serves. If you have any questions, please contact the Association board through the email address listed above.
SIGNS: Signs and advertisements shall not be displayed outside Units on the Common Elements except for temporary real estate signs which may be kept in place until the Unit is sold.
STORAGE OF DANGEROUS MATERIALS: Gasoline and other flammable liquids shall not be stored on the Common areas, Limited Common areas (Decks and patios) or in the Units except in moderate quantities used to light lamps or to operate cigarette lighters or gas barbecues. Explosive materials are not permitted in Units or Common areas.
TENANTS: Unit owners are responsible for the actions of their tenants. Unit owners are responsible for providing copies of the Bylaws and these Rules, Regulations, and Policies to tenants. Leases must specify that tenants are responsible for adhering to the Bylaws and the Rules, Regulations, and Policies.
TIME SHARING: Units may not be sold on a time-sharing basis or other basis which would allow weekly, monthly, or other short-term occupancy of Units such as an Airbnb, VRBO, etc. See USE OF UNITS.
TRASH AND RECYCLING: The Pond’s Edge Association has contracted with Johnson County Refuse Inc. for regular trash and recycling pickup that is scheduled for collection every Thursday morning. Each Unit has two bins, one for recycle material and one for garbage.
ANIMAL WASTE: Animal waste from dog walking, litter boxes, bird cages, etc., should be put in a plastic bag and thrown in the bin for regular trash.
Do not throw the animal waste directly into the trash bin or down the sewer drains.
RECYCLING MATERIALS: Please follow the instructions on the top of the yellow recycling bin. Do not put anything in the bin unless it is listed
as being acceptable material.
TRASH BIN: Please follow the instructions on the top of the blue recycling bin.
HAZARDOUS HOUSEHOLD WASTE (HHW): Hazardous waste should not be mixed with non-hazardous refuse items. They need to be disposed
of at the Johnson County’s permanent, year-round free hazardous household waste drop-off facility located at the landfill.
HHW are products that are flammable, corrosive, poisonous, or potentially dangerous if handled improperly. Examples include lawn and garden
chemicals, fuels, flammable solvents, poisons, automotive fluids, and household cleaners. Residents should contact the HHW chemist for guidance
on proper disposal of household hazardous wastes.
Containers of any kind that held toxic or hazardous materials (motor oil bottles, herbicide or pesticide containers, medicine containers, containers
from chemical cleaning products, paint solvents cans, etc.) should be taken to the country HHW facility. Do not put these containers in the recycle
or trash bins.
USE OF UNITS: No unit shall be used for commercial or business purpose or for any other purpose than that for which the association was originally designed. Unit owners may create home offices within their units provided the unit's primary use remains residential. See TIME SHARING.
ASSESSMENTS OF CHARGES: The Pond’s Edge Association Board of Directors is legally empowered to assess charges against Unit owners
for violations of the Bylaws or these Rules, Regulations, and Policies. Similar to unpaid Condominium fees, these charges imposed by the
Association Board may be turned into liens.
All fees, charges, and penalties imposed by the Board as well as costs and attorney fees incurred by the Association in enforcing the Rules
and Regulations shall be considered assessments enforceable against property owners pursuant to the Rules and Regulations and the Bylaws.
Each day that a violation continues after notice shall be considered a separate violation.
First Violation: A written warning notice by email and certified mail.
Second Violation: $100.00 assessment.
Third Violation: $150.00 assessment. An additional $150.00 will be assessed per day until the violation is corrected.
DISPUTES: In the event an owner disputes the existence of any violation, the method of enforcement, or the assessment of any fine or damages,
they may appeal such action in writing to the Board of Directors, which will have the authority to review the same. The Board of Directors, in
the exercise of reasonable, good faith discretion, may waive or abate any fine or damage or modify any order for corrective action.
AUTHORITY: The Board of Directors shall have the authority to take any remedial action it deems appropriate in the event of a violation of these
Rules and Regulations or the Bylaws including assessment of charges and penalties, the filing of a lien, the filing of an action
injunction or money judgment, or filing of a suit for unlawful detainer.